Branding platform in Spanish
39 items found for ""
- bavelgroup | Dirección de Marcas
Empresa: Bavel es un Grupo Desarrollista con distintas lineas de negocios. Se trabajo en la unificación de las unidades a través del logotipo, y en una nueva estructura de marca en base a los signos anteriores. Una nueva identidad que visualizaba los principales valores de la empresa. + Damian Garcia Back to Projects We can help you?
- airesnordeste | Dirección de Marcas
Empresa: Aires del Nordeste, Urbanización Residencial que propone un lugar cercano, destinado a un público joven. Trabajamos en optimizar la arquitectura de marcas y desarrollamos un sistema de comunicación nuevo para todas las plataformas, teniendo como eje principal el símbolo gráfico. Servicios : Estategia de Marca, Identidad visual, Contenidos de marca. Back to Projects We can help you?
- Dirección de Marcas
→ Medios → Medios → Medios → Medios → Medios El método de trabajo entiende a la marca como un proceso continuo, donde se involcran todas las areas de la empresa. Media partner Megavallas En este espacio puedes destacar tus noticias comerciales o el servicio que ofreces. Haz clic para comenzar a editar y personalizar esta plantilla según tus necesidades. Leer más Sextuples En este espacio puedes destacar tus noticias comerciales o el servicio que ofreces. Haz clic para comenzar a editar y personalizar esta plantilla según tus necesidades. Leer más Pantallas Led En este espacio puedes destacar tus noticias comerciales o el servicio que ofreces. Haz clic para comenzar a editar y personalizar esta plantilla según tus necesidades. Leer más Gran formato En este espacio puedes destacar tus noticias comerciales o el servicio que ofreces. Haz clic para comenzar a editar y personalizar esta plantilla según tus necesidades. Leer más Radios En este espacio puedes destacar tus noticias comerciales o el servicio que ofreces. Haz clic para comenzar a editar y personalizar esta plantilla según tus necesidades. Leer más En este espacio puedes destacar tus noticias comerciales o el servicio que ofreces. Haz clic para comenzar a editar y personalizar esta plantilla según tus necesidades. Leer más Let's work to build your brand. Let's talk! Llamar
- Consulta | Dirección de Marcas
Let's work to build your brand. Let's talk! Design the symbols and logos, all the elements of visual identity and their application systems to unify the brand throughout its journey. Design the symbols and logos, all the elements of visual identity and their application systems to unify the brand throughout its journey. → Symbols and Logos → Brand identity → Brand Narrative Send Thank you for your message!
- callia | Dirección de Marcas
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- realmadrid | Dirección de Marcas
Empresa: La Fundación Real Madrid organiza campus y clinics en distintos puntos del país, promoviendo el encuentro de niños y niñas con los valores de la institución. Trabajamos en alinear la comunicación en todos los puntos de contacto, y acercar la marca a distintos sponsors que compartieran los valores que la fundación propone: educación, accion social y solidaridad. Back to Projects We can help you?
- arts | Dirección de Marcas
Arts Sec Online security services, where we work the circle as a conductive element to develop a close and reliable brand narrative. → Brand audit → Brand strategy → Visual identity Back to Projects Sig uiente
- cunucwines | Dirección de Marcas
Empresa: Cunuc Wines es una línea de vinos para el mercado asiático, donde se trabajó sobre una serie de parámetros y referencias establecidas por el cliente. Desarrollamos todo el universo de aplicación de marca y su estrategia de gestión, acompañando la política comercial. Back to Projects We can help you?
- ulumart dos | Dirección de Marcas
Ulumart We provide the company with a unique style, the ability to differentiate itself in a competitive environment and the possibility of declining in various units. → Symbol and Logo → Visual identity → Brand narrative Back to Projects Sig u iente
- ispeak | Dirección de Marcas
I Speak is an online English School, operating in Latin America. Its method is based on classes taught by teachers in real time, using the benefits of digital tools. → Brand narrative → Visual identity → Applications I. Speak ENTREGA EN LA PUERTA COMPRAR Back to Projects Sig uie nte
- zanellamarca | Dirección de Marcas
Ulumart Ulumart is a team of consultants specialized in various technologies, combining knowledge with extensive public and private experience. → Brand audit → Brand architecture → Brand strategy Back to Projects
- simbolos | Dirección de Marcas
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- Dirección de Marcas
01. Do you think your brand represents to your company? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 05. Do you know trends in corporate identification? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 09. Do you have a defined purpose of your brand ? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 13. Does your logo correctly identify your company? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 17. Do you have an identifiable color palette? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 21. Do you have a brand resource center? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 25. Does the advertising adapt to the style of the brand? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 29. Is your brand attractive to new candidates? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 33. Do you have an action plan for the brand? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 02. Do you have a policy trademarks recognizable? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 06. Does your brand have a well-defined central idea? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 03. Do you think your brand is in tune with his competence? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 07. Does your brand have defined your core values? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 04. Do you think your brand is competitive in its environment? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 08. Do you have a description of its attributes and benefits? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 10. Do you have personality resources? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 11. Do you know opinions of your staff regarding the brand? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 12. Do you know the opinion of the public regarding your brand? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 14. Does it meet the main performance parameters? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 15. Do you have a recognizable visual identity system? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 16. Does your brand have a regulation with the typography? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 18. Do you work with resources or elements of Visual style? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 19. Do you manage a bank of images and keywords? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 20. Do you have an updated visual identity manual? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 22. Do you consistently apply the brand to your products? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 23. Do you apply the brand evenly on your Contact? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 24. Is the brand consistent in all its communication? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 26. Do you articulate the marketing actions with the Brand? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 27. Do you have a manager or custodian of the brand? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 28. Do the staff know the elements Of the brand? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 30. Do you have the capacity to enter new categories? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 34. Do you allocate a budget for brand management? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 31. Does your brand have the ability to adapt to changes? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 32. Is the brand part of your strategy of business? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 35. Could you organize an action cobranding? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 36. Do you think branding is an important resource? Yes 2 Maybe: 1 No: 0 Between 0/12 points: Let's say you don't have a brand yet, maybe a logo. This is a fundamental resource for the advancement of the company, we suggest starting to work on it. Between 12/24 points: It has a logo and an idea for develop, but still in the basic stage. Your brand deserves that you dedicate resources to be plus functional to your business. Between 24/36 points: Meet the minimum requirements to develop your brand. A good starting point to adjust the strategy, add visual resources for the brand and define an action plan. Between 36/48 points: Value the brand as a resource in favor of your goals. You can add specialized resources and manage the brand as an integrated entity to generate value. Between 48/60 points: It has a recognized brand, a clear proposal and an identifiable visual system. Detect what are your weak points Y work on empowering your brand. Between 60/72 points: You have a great brand, or at least all the potential to achieve it. Remember that branding is a process of continuous improvement and that it will require constant work. Higher score between 01 and 12: Strategy: Know well the principles and value proposition of your brand, your competition and environments. Might work on a visual identity that correctly depicts your Brand, dedicating time and budget to management. Highest score between 13 and 24: Visual identity: Count with one stable logo, a recognizable identity system Y you apply it consistently at your points of contact. Add strategy resources to define your proposal, and manage it in the long term. Higher score between 25 and 36: Management: It involves an active application of your brand, well coordinated with the areas involved in construction from image. Could you review your strategy branded and adjust the visual identity in tune with the company's profile. Test Brand is a simple method to know the current state of your Brand, and determine to what extent you can optimize it. Add up the points and find out the category of one of your most important assets. Then you can locate according to the answers, in which areas are your strengths and read our recommendation.
- nova dos | Dirección de Marcas
Nova Laboratory We work together with them in a complete redesign of their brand and its visual identity to accompany this next positioning. → Symbol and Logo → Visual identity → Brand management Back to Projects Sig uiente
- 404 | Dirección de Marcas
There’s Nothing Here... We can’t find the page you’re looking for. Check the URL, or head back home. Go Home
- 404 | Dirección de Marcas
There’s Nothing Here... We can’t find the page you’re looking for. Check the URL, or head back home. Go Home
- 404 | Dirección de Marcas
There’s Nothing Here... We can’t find the page you’re looking for. Check the URL, or head back home. Go Home
- 404 | Dirección de Marcas
There’s Nothing Here... We can’t find the page you’re looking for. Check the URL, or head back home. Go Home
- | Dirección de Marcas
Test Brand Test Brand is a simple method to know the current state of your Brand, and determine to what extent you can optimize it. Add up the points and find out the category of one of your most important assets. You can then locate, based on the responses, in which areas your strengths lie and read our recommendation.