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Brand identity strategy
  • Brand identity strategy

    The brand is one of the most valuable assets of the organization because, among other reasons, it is what builds the relationship between the organization and its audiences. The objective of the program is to work on a model that allows managing the identity of the brand in a strategic. It starts from an analysis of its essential values and then builds a platform that allows to implement relevant and consistent communications, which help to adopt a preferential and sustainable position over time.

    • 4 thematic modules + 1 evaluation to be delivered 15 days after the end of the course (5 total weeks). Completed remotely at the Virtual Campus of the Austral University.

      The dynamics is theoretical-practical; Each participant receives a case on which they must work progressively, solving different issues as the course progresses. To do so, it has theoretical material and references to real cases. Week by week you will have the opportunity to review and discuss your findings with the teacher.

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